Vi gör var vi kan för att sätta oss in i det nya skolsystemet, och som tur är har vi vänner med barn i skolan så att vi kan fråga. Just nu är det Science - biologi, kemi och fysik, som Leon ska vara fokuserad på. Han är 12 och går i year 7.
När proven är färdiga kommer man beroende på resultat att läsa triple science, eller double science i nästa årskurs.
Föräldrabrev från skolan:
Subject: KS3 Science Information
Dear Parents/Guardians of students in Years 7, 8 & 9
The autumn term is now well under way and students have settled into their Science groups and got to know their individual subject teachers. The Science Faculty would like to inform you how you can best support your son/daughter with their studies.
Homework and Revision
Each subject (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) set work once every three weeks on a rota basis so students will have one piece of Science homework each week or a longer set project.
There is a very high factual content at KS3 Science, so spending 15-30 minutes each week producing revision cards or other materials can be very beneficial.
Suggested revision resources -
• School website - SAM Learning
• School website – FROG - A revision PowerPoint for each topic is located in studentresources/YEAR_group/Science/Revision Powerpoints
• BBC Bitesize for KS3
• has a series of revision PowerPoint’s on “How Science Works” the first of these PowerPoints also advises students on how they should revise (although these indicate they are for KS4 they are suitable for KS3).
End of module tests
Students sit module tests at the end of each topic (usually three per year in each subject). Students are expected to revise for end of topic tests in addition to the homework that appears on the rota that week.
Exams - Provisional dates for internal Science end of year exams:
Year 7 - Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th April 2013
Year 8 - Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th June 2013
Year 9 - Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd March 2013
Module test results and end of year exam results are used in the setting procedures used for -
Year 7 into 8
Year 8 into 9 *
Year 9 into 10
*Preliminary selection for GCSE Accelerated (Treble) Science course takes place in year 8 as the course begins in September of year 9. Final selection is made at the end of year 9.
Progress Monitoring
KS3 Progress Monitoring will be completed by the set leader for that class. A current science level will be reported to reflect your son/daughter's average progress across all three subjects. For more detailed feedback on individual test marks and levelled tasks, please refer to the Pupil Progress Tracking sheets in their exercise books (these will be issued to students once they have sat the first test in each subject).
If you require any additional information please contact me in writing.

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